G-CKHJ Ultramagic H-31
G-CKHJ, Ultramagic H-31, built 2017, 22 flights, 21 hrs. Turning vents. Ultramagic Solo bottom end, built 2017, 22 flights, with Ultramagic PowerPlus BMK-008 single burner, liquid pilot light, with hydraulic hand control, TEMA fitting. Ultramagic M30 hopper cylinder, built 2017, quick shut off valve, TEMA fitting, red cover. PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2027. All in padded Ultramagic luggage bag. In as new condition. ARC expired, new ARC on sale.
PH-HOT Cameron Z-42
PH-HOT, Cameron Z-42, built 2017, 8 flights, 6:55 hrs. Envelope weight 60 kg. No Hyperlast. Turning vents. No artwork, never been overheated. Cameron basket, built 2017, 8 flights, 7 hrs. Inside dimensions 1.2m x 0.7m, black leather top rim, cushion floor, fire extinguisher. Basket weight 35 kg. Cameron Shadow single burner, built 2017, 1 flight/hrs. Liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 2017. Bonanno quick release (unused), TT34 temperature transmitter (unused). Honda 2.1 HP inflation fan, built 2017, stainless steel frame, carbon fiber propeller. New ARC at purchase.
SP-BGM Thunder & Colt AX7-77 S1
SP-BGM, Thunder & Colt AX7-77 S1, built 1999, 346 flights, 395 hrs flown, 20 hrs tethered. Hyperlast top (Parachute + 1 row). Colt 56 basket (1m x 1m), built 1979, brown suede top rim, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line. Thunder & Colt C3 double burner, built 1998. Liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 08/2022. 5.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel frame with fixed axle, wooden propeller. Flytec 3040 with TT34 temperature transmitter, refueling hose, quick release. ARC valid until 01/07/2025.
OK-6411 Kubicek BB22
OK-6411, Kubicek BB22, built 2006, 378 flights, 403 hrs. 2.200 m3 / 77.000 ft3. Turning vents. Kubicek K10 basket, built 1996, 550 hrs. Inside dimensions 1.16m x 0.86m. Black suede top rim, sidewall padding, cushion floor, fire extinguisher (2x) , drop line, pilot restraint harness, first aid kit, fire blanket (2x), cylinder strap (6x). Kubicek H3-D double burner, built 1996, 550 hrs. Vapour pilot lights, REGO fittings, liquid hoses valid until 02/2026, vapour hoses valid untiil 03/2028, in height adjustable frame. 2x Schroeder VA70 cylinder, built 1996, 550 hrs. Master, REGO fitting, quick shut off valve, blue cover, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 03/2027. 1x Schroeder VA70, built 1998, 300 hrs. Master, REGO fitting, quick shut off valve, blue cover, PRV/PPT/INT expired. 6.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel flip wheel frame, carbon fiber propeller. Flytec 3040, Icom IC-A6E air band transceiver. Agados VZ-25B single axle trailer, built 1996, max total weight 750 kg, with overrun brake. ARC valid until 18/04/2025.
F-GNLZ SkyBalloons 77-24
F-GNLZ, SkyBalloons 77-24, built 2000, 318 flights, 295 hrs. Cameron CB300-3A basket, built 2003, 530 flights, 465 hrs. Dimensions 1.37m x 0.97m. Brown suede top rim, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line, quick release, 2-tank manifold. Cameron MK4 Super double burner, built 2003, 530 flights, 465 hrs. Liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 04/2017. 4x Worthington cylinder, built 1997, slave, REGO fitting, blue cover. 2 of them PRV valid until 05/2029, PPT/INT valid until 04/2027, 2 others PRV/PPT/INT valid until 05/2030. 5.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel fixed axle frame, wooden propeller. Welsch single axle trailer with pvc cover, built 2004, inside dimensions 2.45m x 1.40m. ARC valid until 19/12/2024.
HA-886 Schroeder Fire Balloons G 26/16
HA-886, Schroeder Fire Balloons G 26/16, buit 1994, 500 flights/hrs. 2.600 m3 / 90.000 ft3. Hyperlast top (9 rows) + 1 row nylon rebuilt 2007 (200 hrs since). Schroeder IV/5 basket, built 1994, 500 flights/hrs. 1.45m x 1.20m. Leather top rim, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit. Schroeder FB5 double burner, built 1994, 500 flights/hrs. Vapour pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 04/2018. In height adjustable frame. 4x Worthington cylinder, built 1980(2x), 1981, 1983. Master, REGO fitting. PRV valid until 11/2025, PPT/INT valid until 11/2030. ARC valid until 05/2025.
EC-JSA Cameron Z-90
EC-JSA Cameron Z-90, built 2005, 256 hrs. Hyperlast top (parachute + 5 rows). Velcro for banners. Cameron Aristocrat basket, built 2006, 256 hrs. Outside dimensions 1.53m x 1.19m. Brown suede top rim, fire extinguisher, drop line. Cameron Sirocco double burner, built 2006, 250 flights, 256 hrs. Liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 2019. ARC expired but can be sold with new ARC at cost.
G-WAYS Lindstrand LBL 105A
G-WAYS, Lindstrand LBL 105A, built 2010, 180 flights/tethers of which 98 hrs flown, 70 hrs tethered. Hyperlast top, RDS, turning vents. Artwork has been removed. Lindstrand flat top basket, built 2010, 180 flights / 168 hrs. Black leather top rim, sidewall padding, cushion floor. Fire extinguisher, first aid kit, drop line, pilot restraint harness. Lindstrand Jetstream double burner, built 2010, 180 flights / 168 hrs, liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings. New hoses will be fitted at next ARC inspection. 4x Cameron CB2901 cylinder, built 06/2010, slave, quick shut off valve, REGO fitting, black cover. PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2030. 8.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel flip wheel frame, wooden propeller. Ifor Williams tandem axle box trailer equipped for ballooning. Refueling hoses, 2x v-bridle, Lindstrand quick release, 2x LBL pilot bag, Flytec 4005, Icom IC-A16E airband transceiver. ARC expired since 14/06/2023, will be sold with valid ARC.
G-CCYI Cameron O-105
G-CCYI, Cameron O-105, built 2004, 370 hrs. Hyperlast top. Cameron 90/105 Aristocrat basket, built 2004, 370 hrs. Brown suede top rim, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line, first aid kit. Outside dimensions 1.55 x 1.15m. Cameron Shadow double burner, built 2004, 370 hrs. Vapour pilot lights, REGO fittings, in standard frame with fixed corners. Always stored dry, in very good condition, really well maintained. Not flown since 07/2022. ARC valid until 08/2025. Inflation fan, instruments and suitable 750kg trailer optionally available. Selling parts separately will be considered.
F-HPDR Head Balloons AX8-105
F-HPDR, Head Balloons AX8-105, built 2011, 224 flights, 251 hrs. Turning vents, non-conductive kevlar envelope suspension lines, velcro for 4 banners (not included). Head Balloons Stretch basket, built 2011, 150 flights. Outside dimensions 1.41m x 1.10m. Brown suede top rim, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, drop line, pilot restraint harness, quick release with karabiners and rope. Head Balloons DB II burner, built 2011, 150 flights. Vapour pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 2022. This burner features two separately fed redundant systems. 2x Worthington cylinder, built 1992 / 1986, master, with red cover, REGO fitting, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2026. 2x Worthington cylinder, built 1997, slave, with black cover, REGO fitting, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2029. 8.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel flip wheel frame, wooden propeller. ARC valid until 07/2025.
F-HCRL Pilatre de Rozier MA30
F-HCRL, Pilatre de Rozier MA30, built 2005, 282 hrs. 3.000 m3 / 105.000 ft3. Artwork removed in 2017. Velcro fitted for 3 banners (banners not included). Raven Aerostar CW basket, 1.45m x 1.20m, brown suede top rim, fire extinguisher, fire blanket, first aid kit, drop line, cylinder straps, Bonanno quick release with 2 karabiners and line. Raven Aerostar HP5 double burner, hoses dated 2021, REGO fittings. 4x Worthington cylinder, slave, REGO fitting, built 1979, 1984, 1986, 1992. PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2026 (2x) and 2029 (2x). 5.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel flip wheel frame, carbon fiber propeller. ARC valid until 06/2025.
PH-NWL Kubicek BB34Z
PH-NWL, Kubicek BB34Z, built 12/2006, 181 flights, 223 hrs. 3.400 m3 / 120.000 ft3. Smart vent, turning vents, text are sewn on, image is printed. Kubicek K18 basket, built 12/2006, 181 flights, 223 hrs. Outside dimensions 1.60m x 1.20m. Black suede top rim, full option sidewall padding, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line, first aid kit, fire blanket, pilot restraint harness. Kubicek Ignis Plus double burner, built 2021, 42 flights / hrs. Vapour pilot lights, TEMA fittings. 4x Schroeder VA50 cylinders, built 1990/1992, 2x master, 2x slave, quick shut off valve, TEMA fitting, black cover, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2029 (2x) /2030 (2x). 8.0 HP inflation fan, stainless steel flip wheel frame, carbon fiber propeller. ARC valid until 19/03/2025, can be sold with new ARC.
F-HPEN Ultramagic M-120
F-HPEN, Ultramagic M-120, built 2010, 299 flights, 346 hrs flown, 10 hrs tethered. Hyperlast top (parachute + 9 rows), smart vent, turning vents. Ultramagic C10 basket, approximately 500 flights. Red suede top rim, drop line, pilot restraint harness. Ultramagic MK10 double burner, liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings. 5.0 HP inflation fan, fixed axle frame, wooden propeller. Braked single axle trailer (max total weight 750 kg). ARC valid until 30/09/2025.
SP-BBS Thunder & Colt AX9-140 S2
SP-BBS Thunder & Colt AX9-140 S2, built 1994, 302 flights, 289 hrs flown, 23 hrs tethered. Hyperlast top (parachute + 2 rows), turning vents. Cameron CB3188 basket, built 1997, 734 flights, 680 hrs. Outside dimensions 1.8m x 1.25m. Black leather top rim, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line, pilot restraint harness. Cameron MK4 triple burner, built 1997, 256 flights, 230 hrs. Vapour pilot lights, REGO fittings, hoses dated 06/2023. 8.0 HP inflation fan, built 2001, stainless steel flip wheel frame, carbon fiber propeller. Refueling hose, quick release, air pusher. ARC expired since 06/2020, can be delivered with new ARC.
HA-9015 Kubicek BB70Z
HA-9015, Kubicek BB70Z, built 2015, 290 flights, 270 hrs. 7.000 m3 / 245.000 ft3. Smart vent, turning vents. Cameron solid floor TT basket (CB8206), built 1995, approximately 2100 hrs. Black leather top rim, sidewall padding, fire extinguisher, drop line. Dimensions 2.65m x 1.65m x 1.35m. Cameron Stratus triple (CB8732) burner, built 1995, approximately 2100 hrs, liquid pilot lights, REGO fittings (or TEMA fittings if required with original hoses). Hoses replaced 12/2020. Optionally available at extra cost: custom made tandem axle trailer for this equipment, built 2020, platform area approximately 4.5m x 1.75m, with balloon roller at front for envelope, fully galvanized steel frame. ARC valid until 05/2025.
G-LLGE Lindstrand LBL 360A
G-LLGE, Lindstrand LBL 360A, built 2013, 401 flights, 418 hrs. Full hyperlast, 2 rows of nomex. Q-vent RDS, turning vents. Artwork Happy Birthday on one side, Adventure Balloons on the other side. Artwork should partially (www. and .co.uk) be removed before use. Lindstrand LBL double T 4.2m basket, built 2004, 926 flights, 935 hrs. Blue leather top rim, sidewall padding, fabric partitions, cushion floor, passenger seats, custom made basket cover, fire blanket and extinguisher, drop line, pilot restraint harness, quick release. Lindstrand LBL Jetstream Series 2 quadruple burner, built 2004, 926 flights, 935 hrs. Liquid pilot lights, TEMA fittings, hoses dated 2016. 3x Lindstrand LBL V40 cylinder, built 2x 2002, 1x 1997, slave, quick shut off valve, TEMA fitting, blue cover, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 03/2026 and 2x 05/2032. 2x Lindstrand LBL V30 cylinder, built 1993, slave, quick shut off valve, TEMA fitting, blue cover, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 05/2028. ARC valid until 05/2023. 2x 8.0 HP inflation fan and trailer optionally available at extra cost.
G-LLBE Lindstrand LBL 360A
G-LLBE, Lindstrand LBL 360A, built 2014, 293 flights, 310 hrs. Full Hyperlast, 2 rows of nomex, Q-Vent RDS, turning vents. Artwork should partially (www. and .co.uk) be removed before use. Lindstrand double T basket, built 2004, 876 flights, 893 hrs. Outside dimensions 4.2m x 1.52m. Blue leather top rim, sidewall padding, cushion floor, fabric partitions, passenger seats, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, drop line, pilot restraint harness, quick release with ropes, refueling hoses. Lindstrand Jetstream quadruple burner, built 1992, 2200 flights, 2300 hrs. Liquid pilot lights, TEMA fittings, hoses dated 08/2016. Lindstrand V40 cylinder, built 2003, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 06/2031. Lindstrand V40 cylinder, built 1997, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 03/2026. Thunder & Colt V40 cylinder, built 1994, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 05/2029. Lindstrand V30 cylinder, built 1993, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 06/2026. Thunder & Colt V30 cylinder, built 1992, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 06/2033. All slave, TEMA fitting, quick shut off valve and bleedvalve with fuelsafe fitting. Optionally available: 2x 8.0 HP inflation fan (built 1998, stainless steel flip wheel frame, carbon fiber propeller) and trailer (6.2m tandem axle, built 2002, max total weight 3500 kg, with winch operated side loading for envelope and fans). ARC valid until 06/2024, can be sold with new ARC.