F-GSCI Llopis Balloons MA-30
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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 20-11-2023.
F-GSCI, Llopis Balloons MA-30, built 1999, 339 flights, 299 hrs flown, 10 hrs tethered. Turning vents. Cameron 90/105 Aristocrat (CB300-4A) basket, built 1999, 500 flights/hrs. Inside dimensions 1.45m x 1.25m. Blue suede top rim, sidewall padding, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line. Cameron MK4 Super double burner, built 1999, 500 flights/hrs. Vapour pilot lights. Age of hoses unknown. 4x Cameron CB599 cylinder, built 1992 (2x master, 2x slave). REGO fitting, blue cover. PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2033. 5.0 HP inflation fan, built 1990, stainless steel frame with fixed axle, wooden propeller. Flytec 3005, Icom IC-A3E airband transceiver (25 kHz channel spacing), Bonanno quick release. ARC expired.
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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 20-11-2023.