Complete Balloons » SE-ZIC Lindstrand LBL 90A
SE-ZIC Lindstrand LBL 90A
SE-ZIC, Lindstrand LBL 90A, built 2001, 286 flights, 334 hrs flown, 55 hrs tethered. Hyperlast top third, RDS. Artwork can stay. Lindstrand open basket, built 1995, 532 hrs, outside dimensions 1.29m x 1.10m. Red leather top rim, cushion floor, fire extinguisher, drop line, life jackets for flying over water. Lindstrand LBL Jetstream double burner, built 1995, 532 hrs. Liquid pilot lights, TEMA fittings, hoses dated 2018. SB23 carried out. 2x Lindstrand V30 cylinder, built 2001, slave, quick shut off valve, TEMA fitting, red cover, PRV/PPT/INT valid until 2028. 2x Worthington cylinder, built 1977/1982, quick shut off valve, TEMA fitting, brown cover, PRV/PPT/INT expired. 5.5 HP inflation fan, built 1995, stainless steel flip wheel frame, wooden propeller. Savajo 3.0m single axle trailer, built 2019, galvanized steel with fibreglass hood. Inside dimensions 3.0m x 1.6m, inner height with hood closed 1.37m. ARC expired since 30/12/2021, can be sold with new ARC.

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Listed in category Complete Balloons since 16-10-2023.