Wanted » Wanted: Pilot for the 2022 season
Wanted: Pilot for the 2022 season
Wanted: Professional, motivated and friendly pilot for the 2022 season (April to October) to join our team in eastern France north of Lyon at Châtillon sur Chalaronne 01. Between 100 and 160 flights to be performed in the morning and evening on 3 different flight sectors: Beaujolais, La Dombes and Mâcon. Team made up of 2 pilots and 4 passionate, professional, young and dynamic team members. We fly with new equipment, the balloon is a Chaize of 5,500 m3 or 12,000 m3 with Kubicek or Ultramagic basket. Minimum required experience 350 hours of class C or D flight, must have a drivers license and at least basic French speaking skills to instruct passengers. Attractive remuneration with fixed salary and bonus depending on the flight. Free accommodation (100 m2). Please call or message for details.

Listed in category Wanted since 14-12-2021.